Friday 7 December 2007

Flashing Santas and bodged DIY

We can’t believe how quickly time is flying here at K&D Property Buyers – Christmas is creeping up so fast. While we love spotting houses with giant inflatable Santas and flashing elves, we wonder if anyone’s done any research into whether an abundance of Christmas lights might affect how your property is valued ...

Anyway, thought for the week (month? – as we said, time is going so fast) comes from an article on the BBC news website. It says that nearly two-thirds of people have been duped into buying a property in worse condition than they originally thought.

Quick repairs cited include:

* hanging pictures over cracks
* placing rugs over carpet stains
* moving furniture to hide damp patches.

Aaaaargh! You can read the whole article on DIY cover-ups here.

May we suggest … if your house needs lots of bodged DIY jobs doing before you can put it on the market, you might have trouble selling. So don’t delay: sell it to us instead!